Aug 26, 2007

Shoe Store - The World's Best

"One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art" The financially fortunate seem to agree, with well-manicured feet peaking from artistic footwear worth their weight in rubies and diamond detail.

The art of footwear is not limited to those of stratospheric bank accounts. The need for fashionable shoe has crossed all social boundaries. Collecting retro-style sneakers to high-end designer fashion heels, shoe sales are a major part of the international fashion market and a serious indicator of status and sub culture.

The shoe store has evolved, side-by-side, into an equally stylish hub of modern fashion. No matter if you're talking about a pair JIMMY Choo wedges or a rare collectable pair of original 1985 Nike Air Jordan sneakers - there is a carefully manicured storeroom and market-analyzed price tag for each. 

So what's your favorite shoe store? 
Where is my own store? 

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